
The project is the responsibility of Florencia Enghel as sole investigator, with the support of Martín Becerra (Argentina) and Ylva Lindberg (Sweden) and the collaboration of Rossana Reguillo (Mexico), Jo Tacchi (UK) and Andrea Ramos (Argentina).

Florencia Enghel, an expert in communication for social change, is an Argentinian researcher. Ph.D. in Media and Communication (Karlstad University) and M.A. in Communication for Development (Malmö University), she is currently affiliated with Jönköping University in Sweden. Her previous research has focused on the status and role of communication in international development cooperation.
Martín Becerra, an expert in media policy, telecommunications and ICTs, is Principal Investigator at the Argentinian National Scientific and Technical Research Council (CONICET) and Professor at the Universidad Nacional de Quilmes and Universidad de Buenos Aires in Argentina.
Ylva Lindberg, an expert in literature, is Vicedean of Research at the School of Education and Communication at Jönköping in Sweden.

Rossana Reguillo, an expert in the crossover study of anthropology, cultural studies and communication, is the Director of the Technological Innovation and Interdisciplinary Applied Studies (Signa_Lab) at ITESO in Mexico.

Jo Tacchi, an expert in media antrhopology, is Vicedean of Research at Loughborough University London in the UK.  

Andrea Ramos, an expert in communication, is Director of Communication and User Services at NIC Argentina.

Florencia Enghel, Ph.D. in Media and Communication (Karlstad University) and M.A. in Communication for Development (Malmö University) is an Argentinian researcher affiliated with Jönköping University in Sweden. Her previous research has focused on the status an drole of communication in international development cooperation and on various communicative an dmedia practices for social change.

Martín Becerra, an expert in media policy, telecommunications and ICTs, is Principal Investigator at the Argentinian National Scientific and Technical Research Council (CONICET) and Professor at the Universidad Nacional de Quilmes and Universidad de Buenos Aires in Argentina

Ylva Lindberg, an expert in literature, is Vicedean of Research at the School of Education and Communication at Jönköping in Sweden.

Rossana Reguillo, an expert in the crossover study of anthropology, cultural studies and communication, is the Director of the Technological Innovation and Interdisciplinary Applied Studies (Signa_Lab) at ITESO in Mexico.

Jo Tacchi, an expert in media antrhopology, is Vicedean of Research at Loughborough University London in the UK.  

Andrea Ramos, an expert in communication, is Director of Communication and User Services at n NIC Argentina.