the project

Argentinian women constitute 51,1% of the country’s population but are disproportionally affected by poverty, discrimination and violence. In 2015, their long and diverse history of mobilizations to claim their rights took a new turn in the face of a daunting increase in gender violence. Since then, women have asserted their demands in the streets and in social media, among other spaces, with persistence and increasing strength. Since March 2020, the COVID-19 pandemic has exacerbated gender inequality and stood in the way of organizing collective mobilizations in public spaces.   

This project investigates the everyday communicative practices of Argentinian women and non-binary people for gender justice in the context of digital citizenship. Which are those everyday communicative practices? How do they play out in everyday life during the times when collective mobilization is not taking place? How do they contribute to the democratic resolution of the claims raised? Which obstacles do they face? 

The project, financed by a Marie Sklodowska-Curie Global Fellowship for the period 2020-2023, focuses on the Argentinian case from a qualitative perspective. Its purpose is to contribute to understanding the micro-technopolitics of civic participation aimed at solving gender inequality among other dysfunctional or broken elements of democracy.

Research objectives:

[nectar_icon_list color=”Extra-Color-3″ direction=”vertical” icon_size=”small” icon_style=”no-border”][nectar_icon_list_item icon_type=”icon” text_full_html=”html” title=”List Item” id=”1624288003138-8″ icon_fontawesome=”fa fa-chevron-right” tab_id=”1624288003139-9″]to understand the everyday communicative practices of Argentinian women mobilized for justice in the context of the macro-tendencies affecting the country.[/nectar_icon_list_item][nectar_icon_list_item icon_type=”icon” text_full_html=”html” title=”List Item” id=”1624288003272-7″ icon_fontawesome=”fa fa-chevron-right” tab_id=”1624288003274-3″]identify the practical and cultural significance of the diverse communicative assemblages engaged individually and interpersonally by women in daily life. [/nectar_icon_list_item][nectar_icon_list_item icon_type=”icon” text_full_html=”html” title=”List Item” id=”1624288003310-1″ icon_fontawesome=”fa fa-chevron-right” tab_id=”1624288003311-2″]to inform the technopolitical capacity of Argentinian women to trigger listening, i.e. the actual resolution of their claims, from public authorities, mainstream digital and news media corporations and other relevant social actors.   [/nectar_icon_list_item][/nectar_icon_list]